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GC Impreceed Impression Material


SKU: ODS-25796 Categories: ,

Impreceed is a high-precision alginate impression material for detailed reproduction of dental impressions.

Impreceed is a dust free alginate, with normal working & setting time and is indicated for removable prothesis, study models, antagonists in the fixed and removable prosthesis. It exhibits fast absorption of water and enhances the ease of mix. The final mix of the impression material is a homogenous mass with smooth and compact surfaces. The impression can be stored for a long time before pouring the casts.

Impreceed has simple and fast mixing properties with a normal setting. Neoalgin exhibits excellent thixotropic properties. The new impreceed powder is incorporated rapidly into water through enhanced powder-water affinity, allowing more spatulation time to obtain a smooth bubble-free mix within 20 seconds. The reliable properties of impreceed remain unchanged.

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